unusual for some owners to give their dogs

Benadryl Usage for Dogs

Diphenhydramine has a wide variety of uses for humans as well as their canine companions. Benadryl is most popularly used as an allergy medicine for dogs. According to Justine Lee, DVM, DACVECC, DABT, toxicology consultant for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center and founder of VETgirl, dogs can have allergic reactions to a wide variety of things, including fleas, dermatitis and atopy (the canine equivalent of hay fever). They may even have an anaphylactic reaction to other events like a vaccine, bee sting or bug bite. When a dog is experiencing an allergic reaction, it will exhibit symptoms like scratching, itching and even swelling of the face.

Do the signs all point to an allergy or anaphylactic reaction? First and foremost: Don’t panic. It may look alarming, but it’s unlikely that your dog’s life is in immediate danger. “Dogs rarely develop that upper airway swelling. Instead they just get this really swollen face or hives, so it’s rarely life threatening," Lee says. Benadryl can help with dog itching and swelling and is commonly recommended by many veterinarians.

Using Benadryl for dog anxiety is effective, but acceptable only on rare occasions. For example, if your dog experiences extreme fright during booming firework shows, you might give him some Benadryl to calm his nerves on the Fourth of July. But long-term Benadryl use can have a number of negative and fatal side effects, such as high blood pressure and liver failure. In the shorter term, Benadryl can even have the opposite effect and actually cause hyperactivity in your dog. Rather than using Benadryl for your dog’s chronic anxiety, most veterinarians would recommend specialized behavior training and safer pharmaceutical alternatives.

Benadryl cream should be applied topically when your dog has irritated areas of the skin, such as a bug bite, bee sting or closed rash that has not been rubbed raw. After applying, dab off the excess cream to discourage your dog from licking it off. Oral Benadryl can come in either liquid or capsule form, which is ideal for atopy, swelling and other allergic reactions. When using liquid, be sure to use the children’s kind, which is easily measured and does not contain any excess ingredients.

Whenever you administer a decongestant to a dog, read the packaging carefully, as some medications are safer than others. “For example, Claritin D is deadly to your dog because it’s got a life-threatening amount of the decongestant pseudoephedrine," Lee says.

Benadryl Dosage for Dogs

If you’re sure your dog is experiencing an allergic reaction or similar event, it’s important to know the proper Benadryl dosage to give her. Overdose can be catastrophic for your pooch, so pay close attention to how much Benadryl is typical for your size dog. The ideal Benadryl dosage for dogs is by weight, normally using the formula of .5-1 milligram of Benadryl per pound. You should wait at least eight hours before giving your dog another dose.

And before administering Benadryl to your dog, it’s vital to consider your pet’s medical history. “If your dog has underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, seizures, or hypertension or heart disease, [your veterinarian is] not going to recommend the use of Benadryl," Lee warns. If you have any doubts about the dosage or the safety of Benadryl, contact either your regular or emergency veterinarian before giving diphenhydramine to your dog.

If you see no results after dosing, do not give your dog more Benadryl. You could put your pet at risk for overdose. Calling your veterinarian is the wisest move. Wondering what advice might be waiting for you on the other end of the phone line? “If it doesn’t work, then they would recommend coming in and getting a dose of steroids, plus injectable Benadryl into the muscle," Lee says. Remember, your veterinarian is always your best resource.
